College Lost & Found Web Application
Featured project

College Lost & Found Web Application

Tech: NextJS 13, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, React Hot Toast, DropZone

Developed a user-friendly platform for college members to report and track lost and found items, enhancing campus-wide communication.

Featured project


Tech: React Native+Expo, Pixabay API, Reanimated, Lodash

Unveil a world of visual wonders with Glimpse, a captivating image exploration app that harnesses the power of React Native, Expo, and the Pixabay API to deliver an unparalleled browsing experience.

This Portfolio
Featured project

This Portfolio

Tech: JavaScript, NextJS, TailwindCSS, Framer Motion

A Portfolio to showcase my projects.

Music Website
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Music Website

Tech: Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS, API, Framer-Motion, React music-player

Created an exclusive website dedicated to Maroon5, showcasing my deep admiration for their artistry.

Hangout Real-time communication application
Featured project

Hangout Real-time communication application

Tech: Javascript, React.js, Next.js, TailwindCSS,

This project is a Real-time communication application. This exciting project allowed me to dive deep into the world of web sockets and gain first-hand experience on how synchronized, instantaneous communication is made possible on the web.

virtual whiteboard
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virtual whiteboard

Tech: React.js, Redux, TailwindCSS,

A whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.

Manage Todos
Featured project

Manage Todos

Tech: React.js, Context-API, TailwindCSS

Revolutionized task management with a visually appealing ToDo app using React Context API.